Saturday, July 5, 2008

Exercise is like laundry

When you think about it, none of us really has to do anything. We are free and can make up our own minds. We don't have to go to work, or pay taxes, or wash the car or do anything we don't want to. We do things we want to do because they give us pleasure. We do things we don't want to do to avoid the consequences of not doing them.

Take the laundry (please). I dislike doing laundry. Always have. It doesn't matter that doing the laundry is a lot easier than it used to be. Growing up, the laundry machines were in the basement, and you had to go outside to walk down there. For many years, we were on the third floor and had to haul it up and down all those stairs in all kinds of weather! It's a lot easier for me now with the elevator. But even when the machines were right in my apartment or house, I still disliked it.

But I do it, because the consequences of not doing it would be quite unpleasant. I sometimes put it off until I have literally nothing left to wear, but I eventually do it. And you know what? It's never as bad as I imagine. It doesn't take long, I can get other things done while the machines do the work, and the feel of clean fresh clothes is very nice. I am constantly surprised at myself and wonder what the big deal was.

And exercise? I don't have to do that either. Until this morning, I had not been to the gym since Tuesday. I cancelled an appointment with my trainer. I didn't go to do the cardio workouts that I am supposed to do on my own between training sessions (which would make the training more effective). I wasn't in the mood, and I wasn't going to do it.

But this morning I realized that, just like the laundry, working out is never as bad as I imagine. As I left the gym after a 30-minute fast walk on the treadmill, I wondered why I was so hesitant to go. I still can't say I particularly like exercising. But I am starting to feel as if the consequences of not doing it are more unpleasant than the exercise itself.

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