Saturday, June 21, 2008


Hi there, and welcome to my new blog! This one is all about my efforts to lose weight, get fit and live a healthy life.

Whenever I've made a serious attempt to lose weight, I've tried to keep a journal. As much as I like to write, I've never been very successful journaling for long. It's kinda boring, and I sometimes write things that I wouldn't want anyone to find and read someday. But I've always enjoyed reading other people's weight loss stories, especially when there are pictures. So why not just put it all out there for the world to read anyway?

Obligatory Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, I don't play one on TV, and I am certainly no expert on exercise or nutrition. The purpose of this blog is not to give advice. To be honest, the primary reason I am doing this is to make it public, so other people know what I'm doing. Knowing that you are out there reading this will motivate me to keep going. I hope you'll give me support and encouragement.

I am developing a list of 50 things I want to do (or be) by the time I am 50 (in two years, two months and eight days). The first thing on that list will be "I will be fit and healthy".

I'm on my way!

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