Thursday, June 26, 2008

Hurts so good

I didn't make it to the gym last night. I was cleaning my apartment because it really, really needed it. Tonight I had my third personal training session at the gym.

We worked mostly on my upper body...using lots of machines that I found myself grunting at to make 20 reps. It was like I was not going to let those machines beat me! (As if they care.) My trainer is very encouraging, and he watches my heart rate closely (I wear a heart rate monitor during every workout). I was sore after Tuesday's workout, but not too bad. And I know I'll be sore tomorrow.

But I am very much liking the feeling of getting stronger and more flexible.

There's this cool thing at the gym we refer to as the cage. It's almost just like it sounds, but the purpose of it is to support you as you stretch. There is nothing that feels so good than to gently stretch those muscles after a workout. Well, I suppose a deep tissue massage would feel good, but I haven't had one of those (yet).

There is something different about this latest attempt of mine to get fit. I did a round of personal training at another gym about six years ago, and I didn't enjoy it at all. Maybe it's different this time because I'm also watching what I eat (more on that later). Or maybe it is because I'm not afraid I'm going to die because my trainer is taking good care of me. Or maybe I am just at a place and time that is right for this.

Whatever it is, it feels great!

I'm going out of town for the weekend...and I'm taking my exercise gear. I'll report back Sunday night.

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