Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My head is spinning

Well, that online contest I started is over for me. I was just not able to get up to speed with the meal planning part. The cool thing is that the 12-week program can be started anytime, although the contest was for a specific period of time.

Then, what do you gym announced a similar contest which starts June 1st...and the first prize is $10,000!!!

With that kind of motivation, and a sincere desire to tackle this overweight thing once and for all, I have found myself doing a ton of research into various diets and food concepts that I had not considered before. My head is spinning...not just from the vast amounts of information available, but from the contradictions I'm finding. And I'm starting to consider that the conventional wisdom about losing weight might be completely backwards.

How often to you hear a report on the findings of some medical study that completely contradicts a previous report on the same topic? First eggs are bad, then they are good. Or it's caffiene. Or whole grains. Or butter. Or wine. Pick your poison...and you will find contradictory evidence about the benefits/risks of each food or approach to weight loss abounds.

All I know for certain at this moment is that the thought of spending my days counting the calories and nutrient content of everything I put into my mouth is making me seriously depressed. There has to be a better way! I can't live my life constantly fearing I might eat something that puts me over some number on a chart. If that is the only way to get thin, I would almost rather stay fat.


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