Sunday, May 31, 2009

An interesting experiment

I've got lots to catch you up stats, the beginning of my gym contest, and a ode to the joy of buying new clothes in smaller sizes ("oh 22, how I love you"). But I still have to go grocery shopping, do laundry and get to the gym. And it's 6:30 pm. YIKES!

Anyway, for the past several days I have experimented with a new (for me) way of eating. It's low carb...not quite as extreme as the beginning of some of the diets out there like Atkins. But just limiting my carb intake, avoiding bread, rice and potatoes altogether, and not worrying about fat content (for a change).

Well, I have been very energetic. My mood has been calm and positive. I've got a lot going on and I'm not getting stressed out. I haven't had as much sleep as I should have, but I have still been feeling great.

Until today, that is.

I started out OK, but ended up having a six-inch "healthy" sub from Subway between multiple errands. It's really the first bread I've had since Tuesday, and it was wheat bread (but rather know their breads). I was fine for a while, but then started getting tired and my mood shifted considerably away from positive. Instead of going to the gym after I finished clothes shopping, I just had to come home and take a nap.

When I woke up, I had my carb-free next meal and I've got my second wind. It's amazing! It's not much of a test of the concept yet, but I tell you that I might just be onto what is going to work best for me.

I have to go grocery shopping before doing laundry, as I am out of detergent. So I'd better get going. The gym tonight is questionable. It's open 24/7 but I do have to get to sleep at a decent hour.

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