Wednesday, November 4, 2009

What comes first...the mood or the food? (Part 2)

Read Part I

What I don't remember about the Great Donut Incident of 1984 is what I ate the night before, how I had slept, or even what the heck was so aggravating to me that morning. If had I arrived at work at 8:00 in a good mood, having had a good night's sleep and perhaps a decent breakfast, what could possibly have happened in one hour to turn me into a raving psycho eating machine?

A recent incident really got me thinking about the mood/food cycle. A few months ago I had a one of those life-changing decisions to make. It seemed to be the right time for me to overcome my fears (some of them admittedly irrational) and purchase a home. I was working against some emotional issues as well as the practical ones - the economy, the burst housing bubble, job security. For several weeks I wasn't sleeping well, I wasn't working out much and my eating was way off track.

After my first attempt at a purchase fell through, it was as if all my fears were justified. Emotionally, I took a huge step backwards. And for several days I indulged my cravings for sugar and carbs. I was convinced that my place was in renterville and always would be. But at some point I started to calm down, eat better, exercise more and finally got some better sleep.

And then one Thursday morning, after a particularly intense early workout, I was suddenly and supremely confident that it was time to move forward again. The practical considerations had not changed one bit, but my fear was completely gone! Before lunch time I had an appointment with the realtor, and in less than a week I had seen seven places, made two offers and signed a purchase contract for the place I am writing from now.

If I could bottle and sell the feeling I had that Thursday morning, I would be a gazillionaire!


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