Wednesday, July 16, 2008

America in the gym

As I walked the treadmill for an hour (new record) last night, I noticed how diverse the clientele and the entertainment is at my gym.

There are men and women of all ages and ethnicity. All shapes and sizes too. This isn't one of those gyms where only the already fit and beautiful people are welcome. The place is always bustling with activity...hundreds of machines on two levels, classes going in two studios. And on each of the bikes, treadmills, stair machines and such...a personal television.

The TV on my treadmill wasn't working, which was OK because I brought my iPod with several walking music collections. I kept catching glances at the TVs on the machines in the row in front of me. And for my hour I had "Larry King" (interviewing Barack Obama at one point) on my left, and "I Survived a Japanese Game Show" on my right.

What a country.

1 comment:

healthnhappiness said...

Hey Judie! It's Sharon your hygienist! I am just so proud of you! You are such an incredible inspiration! Nothing tastes as good as being healthy! Please call me if you ever need an extra boost of inspiration, and I will be there! Continue to kick booty on your way to awesomeness! You Rock Girl Friend! The only limitations we have are the one's we put on ourselves....and we are unstoppable when we choose to be! You will be an amazing Success, I just know it!